Practice 6 arm movements
Practice 6 arm movements

Practice 6 arm movements

Practice 6 arm movements

A strong and powerful arm is what every man wants to pursue when he enters the gym, and many people will start from the arm when they start to fitness. There are various ways to practice the arm. The following is to introduce 6 representative arm training actions.

Practice 6 arm movements

1. Bicep curls

There are many different ways to do the bicep bend, such as sitting, standing, leaning, etc., the bend is the golden action to exercise the bicep muscle, has a very good training effect. However, many people in the bend, will involuntarily use borrowing, resulting in poor local effect, so when doing the bicep bend must find the correct muscle position and force feeling.

Practice 6 arm movements

2. Diamond push-ups

Diamond push-ups are enhanced versions of regular push-ups, and they work your triceps well, as well as your biceps and shoulders. Diamond push-ups must be careful to keep your thumb and forefinger together in a rough diamond shape.

Practice 6 arm movements

3. Dumbbell bending arm extension

The dumbbell bend is a classic tricep bend. A lot of people throw their shoulders or don’t straighten their arms when doing this. This is actually a mistake. The upper arm should be pressed against the torso as long as the forearm is moving.

Practice 6 arm movements

4. Reverse wrist curl

Reverse wrist grip is not a well-known training movement, but it has a very good training effect on the forearm, especially for the flexor muscle group can be targeted exercise, reverse wrist grip can be used with barbell or dumbbell, both hands hold backwards (palm up) to lift the instrument

Practice 6 arm movements

5. The hammer dumbbell bend

锤式哑铃弯举的训练,主要锻炼肱二头肌、前臂。 锤式哑铃弯举和普通哑铃弯举有相似之处,但同时也有很大区别,其中最大的不同之处就是普通哑铃弯举掌心是向上的,而锤式哑铃弯举的手心是相对的,锤式哑铃弯举对肱肌有更好的刺激作用。

Practice 6 arm movements

6. Tricep cord pull-down

Triceps pull-down is one of the most common arm exercises. One of the most important things to do is to maintain your balance and give your body enough stability to ensure proper force and prevent injury.

Practice 6 arm movements

There are far more actions to train the arm, but these 6 actions are classic actions to train the arm. As long as you master the correct action essentials, you can have a healthy arm muscle line after a period of time.




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