Five moves for fitness beginners to get in shape
Five moves for fitness beginners to get in shape

Five moves for fitness beginners to get in shape

If you can keep exercising, you will be in good shape, because your exercise habits will drive you to improve your exercise habits. Perhaps in the beginning, the purpose of the exercise was simple, either to lose weight or to build up the body. But as we become more experienced, our goals become more specific, like specific to each part, to each muscle and so on.

Five moves for fitness beginners to get in shape

So, for those who have no exercise habits and want to keep fit, we might as well start with some of the most simple and common exercises. If we can stick to it, our purpose will change with the increase of our ability, and our exercise method and movement choice will also change accordingly according to the purpose.

So, in order to make our path to fitness easier to stick to, share the five most basic fitness moves, each of which is not difficult, but also not easy to do in a standard way. And the five movements as a group exercise, almost let us practice the whole body, and without the help of any tools, let us at home, at any time we want to practice, if we can stick to it for a long time, will also let us develop an even figure.

Five moves for fitness beginners to get in shape

Then, after a proper warm-up, you can start the following:

Step 1: Plank for 30-60 seconds

The classic moves that are the core of your workout, and getting them right will fundamentally help you with other moves. So even if you can’t stick to it for a long time at the beginning and can’t see obvious results, you should do it step by step and exercise for a long time.

If you find it difficult at the beginning, you can lower the difficulty by kneeling. Of course, you can challenge other variations as your ability improves

Bend over with your arms just below your shoulders, bend your elbows, stretch your legs straight behind you and bring them together, lifting your body with your elbows and toes

Keep your body in a straight line from head to toe, with your core tightened and breathing evenly

Five moves for fitness beginners to get in shape

Action 2: Roll your belly 12-20 times

Abdominal rolling is a classic exercise of abdominal muscles. During the exercise, you can fully feel the power of abdominal muscles. If you slow down the movement, the effect will be better.

Lie on your back with your knees bent and your legs on the ground with your upper body close to the ground and your hands beside your ears

Abdominal force up, to the apex of the action after a short pause to restore

It doesn’t matter where you put your hands, what matters is that the arms and the neck are not involved in the movement and just follow the body, righ

Five moves for fitness beginners to get in shape

Step 3: Hip bridge 12-20 times

Hip bridge, a classic exercise that works the hips, but also stimulates the hamstrings accordingly. As you improve, try one-legged and weight-bearing movements.

Lie on your back with your knees bent, feet on the floor, upper body on the floor, arms at your sides

Force your hips up until your thighs are in line with your body, with your upper back supporting the floor as your hips are raised

Drop your lower back to the ground but your hips to the air

Five moves for fitness beginners to get in shape

Step 4: Kneel push-ups 12-20 times

Push-ups, classic upper body exercises, but for beginners, standard push-ups can be a little difficult, so start with a kneeling position and move on to standard push-ups or more difficult exercises as you improve.

Lean over with your hands on your knees, chest out, stomach in, waist and back straight, shoulders, waist and thighs in line

The arms are naturally straight and perpendicular to the floor

With your hands shoulder-width apart, pull yourself up until your arms are parallel to the floor, keeping your elbows close to your sides

Slow down. Don’t free fall

Five moves for fitness beginners to get in shape

Step 5: Squat 12-20 times

Squats, the king of movements, not only work your hips and legs, but also improve your overall strength, so they should not be forgotten at any time.

Stand with feet shoulder-width apart, waist and back straight, core clenched, arms flat in front of you

Squat back at the hips until your thighs are parallel to the floor and rise

Always keep your back straight and your knees in line with your toes.

Five moves for fitness beginners to get in shape

Rest for 30 seconds between movements, pay attention to the details of movements during the movement, do 3-5 groups each time, if the body fat percentage is relatively high, with 30 minutes of aerobic exercise to play a more effective role in fat reduction. Of course, no matter what form of exercise, you need to adhere to it for a long time to achieve your goals, so regular adherence is the key to effective slimming and shaping.

Fitness is the most fair thing in the world, how much to pay, how much to gain.

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